Our new Acupuncturist


Acupuncture is a natural and safe modality to improve our health & living quality.  In an acupuncture treatment, we use sterile, used once only, fine needles on selected acupoints for any specific condition.

For certain health conditions, treatments could be optimized by applying other complementary modalities, such as cupping and herbal medicine.  Tailored treatment can be made for 
  • Pain Management
  • Women’s Health
  • Infertility
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Blood Pressure Management
  • Diabetes Management


In 1979, the World Health Organisation (WHO) held a symposium on acupuncture, but it was not until 2003, the Consensus Statement (put together by scientists) was finally published. In the present days, we are still carrying out meticulous scientific researches on acupuncture, but more at the cellular and molecular levels. Exciting research findings are continuously pouring out from countries such as China, Germany, Japan, Britain & US, just to name a few countries.


Initial Consultation: $40

Acupuncture: $40

Cupping: $25

Herbal Medicine: Based on grams, approximately $0.95 per gram

Please contact our reception to make a booking with Michelle.
